Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Recently I met a guy who is just 2 years elder to me who works as a trainer in a concern. This guy has a great will power in him, becomes my inspiration and also the reason for my second spell of blogging. He inspires everyone who meets him. The characteristics of

He is smart, has a damn good communication skill, is versatile, is intelligent, has a great vocabulary, has a great sense of humor, can mimic, can sing, knows 8 languages, judges people correctly, is lovable by everyone. The main thing is he can operate a system, browse through websites, loves reading books, writes short poems. He trains people to improve their communication skill, etc..

Many time we would have blamed God for many things that had gone wrong for us or to our friends but I am the who think that everything happens is for good. The only time i realized that even God can make mistakes when this born intelligent was born blind. He is an ideal example for the people who are very lazy and fatalistic and also proves that everything lies in our hands.

Hats off to this guy.


  1. Santy ya romba puzhalathey da.. :)

  2. Really good!! Inspiring indeed!!! wondering how he browsed and read books being blind..

  3. @vijesh - not only santy but all of us are really nowhere when compared to him.

    @janani - he uses an audio software to read out all the contents in a web page. that's how he does all that.
